Verto Value Regeration


One of the most important element f distinction of  the people working at VVR is its unique mix of operative experiences, industry knowledge and  positions covered. Our team shares a strong motivation towards results, a real team spirit and the ability to innovate even in the most complex situations.

We always look for new candidates who share our values and are keen to achieve tangible results to make the difference  for our clients.

What we are looking for:

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VVR srl, Verto Value Regeneration

Viale Premuda 12, 20129 Milano; Via del Poggio Laurentino 118, 00144 Roma; Piazza Solferino 9, 10121 Torino

Cap. soc. 10.000,00 Euro, P. IVA e CF 03640960963, REA 1690828