Verto Value Regeration

Value innovation

The term “innovation” is commonly perceived as “new product introduction” forgetting about the broader concept of “discontinuity” with the past, of deep change in order to obtain the creation of value through the definition of a new competitive advantage.

In order to become a real competitive advantage, innovation, which normally starts as a unique creative idea, must be tested against the customers’ needs and expectations, the competitive environment and, last but not least, the company internal resources.

VVR professionals constantly support the company management through all those phases, contributing to maximize the effectiveness of the innovation during its operative implementation.

VVR srl, Verto Value Regeneration

Viale Premuda 12, 20129 Milano; Via del Poggio Laurentino 118, 00144 Roma; Piazza Solferino 9, 10121 Torino

Cap. soc. 10.000,00 Euro, P. IVA e CF 03640960963, REA 1690828