Verto Value Regeration


We are engaged in regenerating the value in those companies that face discontinuity both in terms of financial distress as well as operative.
They absolutely need to quickly identify new targets and the sequence of actions necessary to achieve them.

The quick return to normality and the following development path become our main objectives

VVR does not limit its intervention to just define the operative plans but engage the whole team in the implementation phase, working side by side with the management and sharing their challenges.
VVR can count on a team of specialists, who gained their business experiences in primary consultancy firms as well as in large multinationals, always in senior positions.

This previous experience allows our team to be more effective in staying focused on results while perceiving the changes in the business scenario.

The speed with which we identify the main causes that originated the issues and the pragmatism of the solutions to go back to growth are the main landmarks of VVR approach.

VVR srl, Verto Value Regeneration

Viale Premuda 12, 20129 Milano; Via del Poggio Laurentino 118, 00144 Roma; Piazza Solferino 9, 10121 Torino

Cap. soc. 10.000,00 Euro, P. IVA e CF 03640960963, REA 1690828